terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

Operation Nomad

A Revolutionary Design.
"We are pilgrims and strangers in this world" (1 Peter 2:11)

Many men and women of God end up not using their full potential to serve God for lack of support and encouragement of the church and its leadership. The general trend is to settle down and after a while turn the Christian life in a rut.

But the exhortation of Jesus is that we put, in fact, the hand "the plow" (Lk 9:62). Thinking about it we decided to launch a challenge that could change your life also that of many others who do not yet know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The NOMAD project arose from the desire to see people committed to the Kingdom of God, who are willing to drop everything for love of God and be used in a special way this day.

The idea is simple and challenging. All you need is available to preach the Gospel and submit to the will of God.

The Martin Luther King Jr., winner of the Nobel Peace always championed the cause he believes and he gave his life for her. One of his most famous phrases is "Because we can not wait." I would make these my words before the great challenge we have to reach the unreached peoples, often forgotten and neglected by the evangelical church.

The Latin American Church is the fastest growing in the world, especially Brazil. Consider some facts:

- Brazil is the first major evangelical church in the world, 35 million and 70 million are in Latin America.
- It is estimated that only in Brazil for 6500 conversions per day and nearly 2 million annually.
- There are over 180,000 churches in Brazil and twice in Latin America.

Yet the number of cross-cultural workers is not proportional. The Latin American Church needs to address the great challenge of these people. Just remember that:

- Of the 24,000 people worldwide, 8,000 have not yet been reached with the Gospel.
- Of the 251 indigenous Brazilians, 118 STILL do not have missionaries.
- Of the 7158 languages in the world, the Bible has not translated to 4,000 of them.
- There are still countries that do not even have a national believer known as: Saudi Arabia, Western Sahara, the Maldives and Qatar.
- Of the 600,000 cities and towns in India, 500 000 STILL do not have Christian workers.
- STILL In China there are 500 million people who have never heard of Jesus.
- FURTHER 85 000 die every day without ever having heard of salvation in Jesus.

You can make these data change. STILL no time!

It also asks how much we are investing in cross-cultural missions?

- Average investment of Brazilian believer is $ 1.30 per year.
- Fewer than 300 of the 180 000 existing churches in Brazil have a missionary working with these unreached peoples of the 10/40 Window and Brazilian Indian tribes.
- Less than 1% of resources are invested in cross-cultural work.
- The same situation occurs in the rest of the Latin American church.

This information is already known to the majority of Brazilian and Latino church leaders because we have shared this personally and through literature, videos, cds, etc..

We have presented a design of a "model church" several leaders so we can double and triple the number of workers among the unreached peoples, but STILL there is a general commitment to reach the lost that are far from us.

Given this framework, we have been campaigning for workers of prayer, asking the Lord of the harvest to send men, sons of ministers and entrepreneurs to be trained because they do not miss living. We have seen that our prayers are answered, but the overwhelming majority responds to this challenge to reach the most difficult and inhospitable places of the earth do not have full support and most of them are women.

Every day people call us wanting to go to unreached areas, but STILL the biggest challenge is the financial support of their pastors and leaders. What to do about this? The words of Martin Luther King Jr. echoed again. He said. "Expect God to do everything while we do nothing that is not faith, is superstition."

There is thus two extreme situations, on the one hand, the thousands who die every day without ever having heard of Christ. Across thousands of people want to talk about this love, but are not sent.

So we decided to make a call not only national but also continental.

Our desire is to know how many candidates would be willing to live a very simple life as a nomad, living in tents in one place, living as soldiers, experiencing different foods, learning different customs such as wearing different clothes, in short, learning to live as people who wish to achieve.

Furthermore, we propose the creation of a common fund, where the needs are decided as a team and the priorities are food and missionary training.

If you are committed to the mission among the unreached and is willing to live in a project like this, working in team and willing to help in fundraising join us.

If you have any support from the church or friends, even a small part or even if he has nothing and his church is not willing to invest this may be your opportunity. We are willing to help you receive training and get to the field.

I would like once more to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr: "I have a dream". That dream is to see the task of world evangelization in this generation and finished together we meet the Master and hear his words, "good and faithful servant, come and enjoy the joy of the Lord."

We are making an advance registration. Just fill out the information below, if it satisfies the basic requirements:

• to be an active member of an evangelical church
• to be baptized and have at least years to convert
• to be single or married without children
· Take good health and a minimum education of elementary school

For those who are waiting for Peace in Jesus,

Cultural Oddities

Of the many difficulties faced by missionaries in the field, no doubt adapt to local culture and customs are the largest. Some gestures, words, individual values, food, and even the simple act of looking, often leave the newcomer confused. It is therefore required much patience and persistence to adapt to this new way of looking at life, emotions, and to preach the word of God effectively.

From this moment the MEG will provide some facts about culture and customs.

In Nepal they believe that loving someone is plotting to entrap him mature, and hate the other is being sincere and cordial to him, thus allowing him to remain in their mediocrity. Based on this, two Nepalese guides who accompanied a missionary couple in the icy mountains Auntim disappeared one morning. They took all the food, water and clothes in cold. Just left the tents and mattresses where they slept. The couple dropped behind the tents, the two missionaries undertook an arduous journey of three days and three nights in unfamiliar terrain. They covered themselves with part of their mattresses, who improvised as jackets. Finally they reached a village. Ali found the two guides who were waiting with a big smile said, "No need to thank."
MISSIONS challenge continues
Mission Reinaldo Lidório

The wewes Togo, children are given provisional names at birth. The real name was revealed to them only after some time in order to fool the evil spirits, who without knowing the actual name of them could not steal their soul.

MISSIONS challenge continues
Mission Reinaldo Lidório

Papua New Guinea
Themes in Papua New Guinea, practiced cannibalism. They ate the bodies of more familiar ones as soon as they died, to keep them alive. MISSIONS challenge continues
Mission Reinaldo Lidório

Brazil - Indigenous Peoples.
Statistics on the Brazilian Indian Tribes
April 14, 2005
Database of the Department of Indigenous Affairs AMTB
Organizer: Rinaldo de Mattos (JMN / CBB)
Researcher: Paul Bottrell (JMN / CBB)
Number of Tribes:

Known .. (C): 228 (population 377 118)
Isolated .........( I): 30 (population: 1561)
The Find .. (P): 50 (population: 2,560)
Doubtful ....( D): 48 (population: 2,217)

Total ................... 356 (population 383 456)
Considering only the Tribes Known (C) and isolated (I):

Total Tribes .... 258 (population 378 679)
Situation with regard to population distribution:

Less than 100 people .............. 46
Between 100 and 1,000 people ....... 121
Between 1,000 and 10,000 people .... 58
Between 10,000 and 20,000 people .... 6
Between 20,000 and 30,000 people .... 2
More than 30,000 people ............... 1
Population unspecified ........... 24
Situation as regards the gospel (EVG):

Unreached ...........................................( N): 66
Achieved only by Catholic Missions .......( AC): 26
Achieved only by Lay ..........................( AL): 9
Achieved only with AT ....................( Translation): 3
Achieved only with missions ......................( AM): 5
Insufficiently achieved .....................( AI): 34
Achieved satisfactorily .......................( A): 82
Leadership and met with Indigenous ....( AA): 20
Indeterminate situation ................................(?): 13

Tribes without evangelical missionary presence .......... 92

Situation regarding the translation (TRD):

They have the complete Bible in the language ............................................ ......................................( BCL): 5 *
They have the New Testament in the language ............................................ .................................( NTL): 36 **
The translation is in process in the language ........................................... ...................................( TPL): 19
The translation is in the beginning language ........................................... ......................................( TCL): 12
The translation was stopped, but need it .......................................... ..................( TIL-PTR): 2
Linguistic analysis is in process ............................................ ....................................( APL): 8
Linguistic analysis is at the beginning ............................................ .......................................( ACL): 13
Linguistic analysis has been discontinued, but need translation ..................................( AIL-PTR): 1
Need translation for sure ............................................ .........................................( PTR): 10
Probably need translation .............................................. ......................................( INT): 48 probably will not need translation .. .................................................. .......................( CNT): 23
They may need new version in Portuguese ........................................... ........................( INV): 48
Have the NT in a neighboring country, but they need to adapt ....................................(-NTV PTR): 1
Have the NT in a neighboring country, but probably need to adapt .............( NTV-INT): 6
Have the NT in a neighboring country, but probably do not need to adapt ......( NTV-CNT): 1
The NT is in the process in a neighboring country, but they need to adapt ........................( TPV-PTR): 1
The NT is in the process a neighboring country, but probably need to adapt ......( POS-INT): 6
The NT was stopped in a neighboring country, but probably do not need translation .......( TIV-CNT): 1
NT have a similar language, but probably need to adapt ....................( NTS-INT): 9
NT have a similar language, but probably do not need to adapt ...........( NTS-CNT): 4
The NT is in a language similar process, but probably need to adapt ......( TPS-INT) 3
The NT is in a language similar process, but probably will not need adjustment ....( TPS-CNT): 1

* It is actually two languages (Guarani-Mbyá and Wai-Wai), but the Wai-Wai is spoken by four tribes (Katuena, Mawayana, Wai-Wai and Xereu).
** It is actually 32 languages, but the Tukano is spoken by four tribes (Miriti, Pira-Tapuia, Siriano and Tukano) and Nheengatu by 2 (Bare and Warekena).

Tribes that already have the complete Bible in the language (BCL) ................................... 5
Tribes that already have the New Testament in the language (NTL) .............................. 36
Tribes that are being targeted for translation (TPL, TCL, APL and ACL) ............ 52
Recognized tribes in need of translation (PTR and PTR-XXX) ........ 15
Tribes probably in need of translation (XXX-INT and INT) ................... 72
Tribes probably not in need of translation (XXX-CNT and CNT) ........ 30
Tribes possibly in need of new version in Portuguese (INV) ......... 48
Situation with regard to the challenge (DES):

Challenge Attraction ...............( AT): 30
Translation Challenge ............( DT): 13
Challenge of Adaptation ..........( DA): 2
Challenge of Evangelization ....( DE): 80
Consolidation Challenge .....( DC): 26
Without Challenge .........................( SD): 93
Challenge Indefinite ..................( DI): 14

"And seeing the multitudes, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest "(Matthew 9.36-38).

For more information, contact:
Database of the Department of Indigenous Affairs AMTB
SCRN 714/715 Bloco F Shop 18
70761-660 Brasília, DF
Tel: (61) 349-8787
E-mail: bdamtb@ig.com.br

We know that one so hard and win the battle, but together as the Body of Christ we have victory assured.
Dear brothers,

The peace of Christ be abunddante in the life of each.

We rejoice in God to share with loved ones but a month of victories and struggles, always remembering that we have high regard and appreciation for your participation in our lives and ministries, are essentially part of our victories, because their prayers reached the throne teem of God who has sent us your answer in the form of blessings and victories for our family and ministry.


We have pursued some activities like church, the few have made good contacts with the community. Are happy with our presence, although some said they were against, we know that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church of Christ.

We now have a good group of children in EBD, and people who are sometimes out of curiosity, and leave other then they return at last, we are a movement of church planting that we must have patience and like any good farmer before harvesting the fruit.

We formed a group of women, 16 to the total, which are beginning to make crafts, through this strategy we want to bring them the gospel of our main target, would give other women to have conditions such as improving family income and have conditions to live a little better.

Activities of School football continues, and we made a desparazitacao of
school students, 45 were boys and adolescents who received medication for parasites, were happy and then the family came from behind, but our stock was limited, we will think of doing this later with family members too. Also weighed and measured. We are believing that God will make miracles.

We have always seen students who are doing YWAM DTS here in Senegal, are people who love serving the Lord and teem helped us in worship on Sunday. And a blessing to have them! Worship last Sunday.


We are happy for this far helped us ... We plant the second spot and gain a few meters to more personal vilage, a blessing! Leaving the papers so no build, and we ask your prayers for that. We continue with the activities in the area of her health, which has been a blessing to the community that does not cease to thank the service ... they see people from other villages to consult with us, I ask your prayers for me, that God of wisdom and insight into many diseases people who come home to health.

Prayer Requests

01. We have a pastor who came from France to teach at a YWAM DTS, and we will do two days of campaigning with him, and a man of God, we pray that there are miracles and invited people to come.

02. ask for prayers for the purchase of the car we have ten thousand dollars the twenty thousand queestabelecemos, we had some cars looking for the value we have, but are not good, and praying, the Lord told them to wait, because he already prepared what we need, then we attentive to the voice of the Lord. From 13 to 04 March, We have a team of nine people who will come help us in evangelism, pray for that time is of blessing and fruits to the Maranatha church, we have several activities in Mbissao also ..

03. Pray for Erasmus, Glucose tava a little high, but was treated and is improving thanks to God.

Our gratitude to you especially, who gave their time to read this information and submit to God our motives for prayer ... we know that one so hard and win the battle, but together as the Body of Christ we have victory assured.

I warmly thank all who dared to be with us in this great challenge and achieve the unreached peoples to the kingdom of God.

In Christ more than conquerors

Andrade Family

To help you can offer to send any value in one of our accounts below.

If the son sets you free, be free indeed.
Miss Erasmus, La Salette, Eliel and Elisabeth.
Bayakh - Senegal email; saleterasmo@yahoo.com.br
site: www.projetoelimsenegal.com.br
+ 221-76831-0027 or 762895887
to contribute:
Bradesco Ag 0288-7 C / C 0112356-4 or BB Ag 0675-0 C / C 7679-1

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